Friday, November 29, 2019

A visit to Ashford hospital Essay Example

A visit to Ashford hospital Essay Example A visit to Ashford hospital Essay A visit to Ashford hospital Essay Essay Topic: The Visit On the 11th March 2002 we visited the Ashford hospital where we were shown the x-ray department and a radiographer who gave us a talk for about an hour and a half. In my report I will include most of the aspects in x-rays and at last two in detail, starting from the basic definition of an x-ray to how and why we use them to the effects of x-rays.First it is important to know what an x-ray is: x-rays are high photon energy (that is to say short-wavelength) electromagnetic radiation. They are used in medicine both for diagnosis (radiography) and for therapy (radiotherapy). It is not possible either to reflect or to refract x-rays and therefore x-rays cannot be focused.There are three types of radiation from radioactive materials: Alpha (?), Beta (?), Gamma (?).The term radiotherapy refers to the treatment of a medical condition (usually cancer) by means of X-ray, Y-rays or beams of energetic electrons. X-ray radiotherapy falls in to two main classes-superficial therapy and megavoltage (or MV) therapy.Superficial therapy is used to treat conditions of the skin and surface tissues. The tube voltages employed are such that the X-rays have low penetrating power and therefore cause littlie damage to the healthy tissue beneath the area being treated.Megavoltage therapy is used to treat the condition inside your body and has almost completely replaced the lower voltage techniques once used for this purpose. The electrons used to create the X-ray are accelerated to the enormous energies required in a linear accelerator (LINAC).Advantages of MV Therapy- It decreases the damage sustained by the patients skin. The beam is so penetrating that hardly any of its energy is absorbed by the skin and surface tissues.- It reduces damage to the bone.Rotating BeamsThe purpose of radiotherapy is to destroy malignant (i.e Cancer) cells whilst doing as little damage as possible to the healthy tissue and bone around them. One way of achieving this is to aim the beam at the tumor from a n umber of different directions, i.e. to rotate it about the tumor. This technique is known as multiple beam or rotating-beam therapy and produces a considerable cumulative effect at the tumor but a much-reduced effect everywhere else.Treatment PlanningAny amount of radiation is potentially harmful to the person being exposed to it and therefore it is important that the following considerations are taken into account.- The likely benefits of exposure to radiation must outweigh the risks involved.- The radiation does must be the minimum consistent with obtaining good quality images or destroying malignant cells.- It must not be possible to obtain equally useful information by less risky methods.- The beam must be collimated so that only part of the body that needs to be exposed is exposed.- Increasing the PD across an X-ray tube increases the penetrating power of the X-rays produced but it decreases the proportion of the beam that is attenuated by photoelectric absorption, and therefor e decreases the contrast of the X-ray image. The PD should be high enough to produce the required degree of penetration but not so that there is insufficient contrast. Another consequence of increasing the tube voltage is that it increases the energy, and therefore the penetrating power, of the scattered radiation. This increases the likelihood of the patient receiving a significant radiation dose in parts of the body some distance away from the part being exposed intentionally. It also increases the chance of scattered radiation escaping from the patient a potential hazard to hospital staff in the vicinity.- The radiographer must employ good techniques so that repeat exposures are not required. (This is an important consideration when assessing just what is the minimum dose an underestimating would necessitate a second exposure and therefore an overall increase in dose.)A metal filament (usually tungsten) is heated and some of the electrons acquire sufficient thermal energy to es cape from the surface. The higher the temperature the filament is heated to, the greater the number of electrons that are in effect boiled off. This filament forms the negative cathode. These electrons are accelerated across an evacuated X-ray tube towards the positive anode by a large voltage that is applied across the tube.These electrons strike the anode where 99 % of their energy is converted to heat with less than 1 % resulting in X-radiation. One theory, which is very important to the theory behind X-ray, is the Band theory.The continuous background (or bremsstrahlung radiation) is produced by electrons colliding with the target and being decelerated. The energy of the emitted X-ray quantum is equal to the energy lost in the deceleration. An electron may lose any fraction of its energy in this process. The most energetic X-rays (ie. Those whose wavelength is ?min). X-rays with longer wavelengths are the result of electrons losing less than their total energy.The line spectrum is the result of electron transitions within the atoms of the target material. The electrons that bombard the target are very energetic (100keV) and are capable of knocking electrons out of deep-lying energy levels of the target atoms. (this corresponds to removing an electron from an inner orbit on the Bohr model). If an outer electron then falls into one of these vacancies, an X-ray photon is emitted. The wavelength of the X-ray is given by E = hc/?, where E is the difference in energy of the levels involved, c is the speed of the light and h is Plancks constant. Since the energy levels are characteristic of the target atoms so too are the wavelengths of the X-rays produced in this way.For example, when calculating the wavelength of the most energetic X-rays produced by a tube operating at 1.0 * 10^? V (h = 6.6 * 10^-34 Js, e =1.6 * 10^-19 C, c =3.0 * 10^8 ms-1.)The most energetic X-ray are those produced by electrons which lose all their kinetic energy on impact.KE on impact = wo rk done by accelerating PD= 1.6 * 10^-19 * 1.0 * 10^5Maximum KE lost = 1.6 * 10^-14 joulesThe energy of the corresponding X-ray quantum is hc/?min and thereforehc/?min = 1.6 * 10^-14i.e. ?min = (6.6 * 10^-34 * 3.0*10^8)/1.6 * 10^-14= 1.24 * 10^-11 mJust clarify:(max. photon energy) Emax = eV and ?min = hc/eV(where V is the Potential difference)Band theoryIn an isolated atom, the energy of an electron depends mainly on its distance from the nucleus. An electron has a negative charge and a nucleus has a positive charge, and as an electron falls towards a nucleus it loses energy. The energy of one electron in an atom is also affected by the presence of all the other electrons within that atom, since they all have negative charge and so repel one another.If atoms are very close together, as in a solid, then the energy of each electron is affected by the nuclei and electrons of many nearby atoms. This has the effect of smearing out the energy levels into broad bands. The electrons are no t longer restricted to certain well-defined energies; instead, there are broad ranges of allowed energy, and higher energy band is shared between atoms. If an electron has enough energy to be in this band, then it can break free of its parent atom and move through the solid, i,e it can take part in conduction, so this upper band is called the conduction band. If, however, an electron is still bound to its parent atom then it cannot be moved around freely and it is said to be in the valence band. Between the two bands is a range of energies known as the forbidden gap. As shown in the diagram below.The size of the forbidden gap determines whether a given material is a conductor or an insulator. In metals, the conduction and valence bands overlap, so the conduction band always contains electrons, and so metals are good conductors. In insulators, the conduction and valence bands are separated by a large forbidden gap, and the conduction band is virtually empty. To promote an electron fr om the valence band would require a large amount of energy. In a semiconductor there is still a gap, but the range of the forbidden gap is much smaller. If the energy supplied by heating or by allowing the material to absorb photons, then some electrons gain enough energy to cross the gap and enter the conduction band. The more energy supplied the more electrons are promoted, the resistance of many semiconductors fall with increasing temperature.The X-rays emitted from an X-ray tube have a range of energies, which is called the X-ray spectrum. These X-rays are produced by two different mechanisms, which are distinctive in the resulting spectrum.Continuous spectrum (approx 80% of the output)The electrons pass close to the positive nuclei of the target atoms and are slowed down. he kinetic energy that they lose is converted into photons of electromagnetic radiation which have a continuous range of energies up to a maximum value equal to the tube voltage applied.Continuous spectrum A continuous range of photon energies (up to a maximum) is produced as electrons are decelerated in the target.Characteristic spectrumSome of the electrons penetrate deep into the target atoms, ejecting orbital electrons from the innermost shells near the nuclei. Orbiting electrons from outer orbits fill gaps in the inner shells and emit photons that are characteristic of the target atom. As long as the target has a high enough atomic number, the resulting photon will be the X-ray range.Tungsten is used as the target material for nearly all X-rays tubes because it has a high atomic number and so yields high X-ray outputs and a high melting point to withstand the large amount of heat produced. The characteristic K line spectrum produced bt Rungsten is about 709 keV, which is a tube voltage used for many exposures.Line SpectrumA limited of precise characteristic photon energies is generated through electron transitions to the K and L shells.Focal Spot sizeIdeally the X-rays produced wo uld originate from a point source, which would result in a clear shadow being formed with sharp edges (like a light image formed in a pin hole camera). This is not practical because of the great amount of heat being produced by the X-ray tube. If all the electrons were directed at one tiny point, the target would melt. The target is therefore designed to increase the actual target focal spot while keeping the projected focal spot as small as possible, thus keeping the amount of geometric blur to a minimum. This is achieved by using a disc shaped anode with the target area shapely angled and spinning throughout the exposure.Positioning the film as close as possible to the patient also reduces geometric blur.So how do we select exposure?To see why different exposures are selected for different areas, the methods by which an X-ray beam is attenuated must be studied.Simple scatterThe incident photon energy does not have sufficient energy to remove an electron from its atom so it is simp ly deflected from its course without loss of energy. This scatter is proportional to the square of the atomic number.Photoelectric EffectThe incident photon gives up all of its energy to an inner orbital electron, ejecting the electron from its atom. Some of the energy of the electron is used in overcoming the binding energy of the electron. The vacancy in the shell will be filled by electrons in orbital further from the nucleus, producing characteristic radiation, which in the case of the X-ray photons interacting with the body tissue are small and in the infer-red part of the EM spectrum. Photoelectric attenuation is most useful to diagnostic imaging because the photoelectric absorption is proportional to the cube of the atomic number.Compton scatterThe energy of the photon is much greater than the binding energy of the electron. Only part of its energy is given during the interaction with the outer electron. The photon continues in a different direction with reduced energy and th e electron dissipates its energy through ionization. It is independent of the atomic number.Simple is a problem as it reduces image sharpness and increases low-energy absorption in the patients skin. Photoelectric absorption is useful because, as it is proportional to the cube of the atomic number of the absorbing material, it produces contrast on the image. Material of high atomic number absorb more X-rays by this method and those of low atomic number absorb less. As the tube voltage is increased photoelectric attenuation tends to fall and Compton scatter to rise in importance, and as Compton scatter is not proportional to the atomic number of the absorbing material, the contrast is reduced.How do we reduce scatter?- Reduce the beam size by using an adjustable diaphragm, this reduces the field size and thus reduces the random scatter produced.- Use filtration on the X-ray beam to reduce the lower energy photons that result in simple scatter, allowing photoelectric attenuation to do minate.- Use of compression to make the part X-rayed thinner.So what is the radiographer doing?When taking a simple X-ray, the radiographer must:- Choose the tube voltage- this is usually in the range 60-120kVMore kV increases maximum photon energyIncreases average photon energyIncreases total intensityEffect of changing tube voltage on resulting X-ray spectrum.* Choose the tube current this depends on the number of electrons crossing the tube per second. This is controlled by the filament current, which determines the rate at which electrons are emitted from the cathode.Increasing tube current increases the overall intensity but does not increase the maximum photon energy or change the shape of the spectrum.Increases the blackening of the filmIncreases the absorbed dose by the patient.Increases the heating of the target.Effect of the tube current on X-ray spectrum* Choose the expose timeIncreasing the exposure timeIncreases the blackening of the filmIncreases the patient absorbed doseIncreases the chances of movement blur* Choose the focal spot sizeIncreasing the focal spot size increases the tube current and the voltage that can be applied but reduces geometric unsharpness.How do we stop scatter from getting to the film?We use a grid formed by rows of lead strips stops the scattered radiation from reaching the film. To get rid of the grid lines on the image, the grid may be moved during the exposure.We can also use an air gap to reduce the scatter reaching the film.And what about the film?If we were just to use film just to record the X-ray that were transmitted through the patient we would have to use very large exposures because up to 97% of X-rays pass straight through the film without affecting it at all. We therefore use special cassettes that contain fluorescent screens. These fluorescent screens absorb the X-radiation and re-emit visible radiation in a pattern that is the same as that of the original X-ray beam.Construction of the Rotating Anode Tube InsertFluoroscopy:In X-ray fluoroscopy, X-rays are passed through the patient and onto a fluorescent screen to produce an immediate visible image. This has the advantage over photographic film in that it allows dynamic processes. Sadly, unacceptably high X-ray intensities would be needed to produce image that could be viewed directly. A device known as an image intensifier can increase the brightness by a factor of over a thousand and allows the radiation dose to be cut by up to 90% of the unintensified level. The intensifier has a fluorescent screen in contact with a photocathode. This combination converts the X-rays first to visible photons and then to electrons. The number of electrons at any point on the photocathode is directly proportional to the X-ray intensity transmitted by the patient.The electrons produced by the cathode are then accelerated through a potential difference of about 20 kV, using a series of focusing anodes, towards a second fluorescent screen. The increase d energy and concentration of the electrons creates an image that is very brighter than that on the first screen, and which is usually picked up by a TV camera and fed to a TV monitor or video recorder.Fluoroscopy is a technique that is used sparingly, for despite image intensification, the radiation dose to the patient is still significantly higher than that I a standard radiographic examination. Dose savings can be made by using short bursts of X-rays rather than a truly continuous exposure, but even so the examinations remain relatively dose-intensive.Bibliography:For my report the sources which I used were; the textbook Physics A-level by Roger Muncaster, also the textbook Salters Horners Advanced Physics, a leaflet given to me by the Ashford hospital and finally my own knowledge.Conclusion:You can obviously tell that the visit to the hospital was very informative and helpful. Funnily enough at the time I was writing this report I had broken my wrist and was treated at the Ealin g hospital. On my last visit, to take the full plaster cast off I asked the radiographer if she could give me copy of my wrist, but unfortunately she said that it had to go in report. Instead she let me get my hands on some unwanted X-rays, which was the next best thing, so included them in my report.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Role of Horoscopes in Daily Life Essay

The Role of Horoscopes in Daily Life Essay The Role of Horoscopes in Formulation of Daily Life Essay The Role of Horoscopes in Formulation of Daily Life Essay Popular culture is a phenomenon of the contemporary world, which contains the diversity of elements penetrating life of every individual. There are elements, which evoke a positive attitude, while others encourage people to be skeptical and perceive the whole set of information without seriousness. In the prospect of routine elements, which formulate the essence of popular culture, it is possible to consider different things. However, horoscopes play a significant part in formulation of daily life of the majority of individuals. It is impossible to deny this part of life, which started its existence long ago. Horoscopes formulate an essential part, which has a significant influence on human lives regardless of their priorities. There are different opinions regarding horoscopes. Some people tend to believe in predictions generated by astrologists, while others accept it as a joke or fiction. Nevertheless, it is obvious that everybody knows about horoscopes and has a specific opinion regarding truth about each prediction based on stars. In addition, regardless of the opinion, horoscopes still formulate a part of the popular culture. It is impossible to imagine life without predictions generated by astrologists. In addition, horoscopes have a long history and had some influence on the legendary figures who tended to believe in every prediction. Moreover, the contemporary world has made this element a fashionable element for many celebrities who have their personal astrologists and continue to adjust their lives to the daily dose of horoscopes generated by another person. Horoscopes have become an essential part of the surrounding world, which are supposed to predict the nearest future and help individuals prepare for life challenges. The current paper criticizes horoscopes from different points of view and evaluates its place in the system of human relations. In addition, the paper aims to analyze the place of horoscopes in the popular culture, which shapes development of every individual in diverse ways. Topic of Interest The selected topic is a representation of human nature, which supports the point of believing in supernatural. Horoscopes constitute a supernatural aspect of life, which is most likely not to have any effect on human development or any other event taking place in life. However, the majority of people tend to believe that horoscopes reflect a short representation of the nearest future, which can help to prepare for life challenges. In addition, these people tend to depend on information given in a horoscope, thinking that it is a key to success and happiness. Horoscopes make many people dependent on the information they receive from newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. It is impossible to deny that those who tend to adjust to daily doses of predictions are more emotional and infantile than others. Infantilism means that it is a reflection of human nature willing to believe in fairytales. In fact, fairytales are reflected through horoscopes, which can be found in thousands of sourc es with different meanings on the same day. The selected topic has many points of interest as long as everybody has at least once touched up with horoscopes and thought about believing or not in facts mentioned in a short prediction. In the prospect of predictions generated by astrology, it is possible to claim that this point has always played a role of a regulator in lives of many people. Many historical figures tended to adjust their activity to horoscopes, which were generated by their personal astrologists. In fact, it means that astrologists have played a role of an adviser and personal regulator, which can change the course of the future. Adolf Hitler was one of the most famous historical leaders who believed in the power of horoscopes and tried to act according to predictions created by his personal astrologist Louis de Wohl. De Wohl was considered to be a Hungarian â€Å"Nostradamus† and was popular among the British elite and other social layers willing to turn to his services in desire to know about the nearest future. In fact, de Wohl was one of those who believed in the power of stars able to predict further events taking place in life of every human according to his peculiarities. Hitler cons ulted de Wohl in order not only to predict his personal future, but also the future of the Third Reich (Winter, 2006). It was his personal astrologist’s obligation to read information written in the stars and get involved into the political sphere in order to see the most beneficial positions of Germany. De Wohl involved himself into a psychologically-based job, which appealed to many people with desire to see the essence of future. However, it is possible to claim that horoscopes have a psychological effect on people willing to believe in the supernatural aspect of life. In addition, people have always wanted to predict the future in order to avoid mistakes and take a chance of being happy without facing difficulties. Beliefs tend to formulate an essential part of life, which create a significant part of human nature striving to secure them. These are the reasons the selected topic is appropriate for the consideration from the perspective of the pop-culture course. Contemporary Interest in Horoscopes Today, horoscopes continue to penetrate lives of millions of people. It is obvious that political figures, celebrities, elite layers of the society, and public persons continue to believe in predictions, which can help to look into the future and change the course of events if problems are likely to occur. In the discussion of the topic, it is necessary to mention that the contemporary pop-culture has many elements, which are interesting to the young generation. It is possible to see the tendency of the youth, which includes many individuals turning to the skeptical side in terms of perception of horoscopes. The selected topic cannot leave anyone indifferent as long as it generates opposite points of view and encourages thinking on the truth of facts reflected in horoscopes. However, it is possible to support the point that the contemporary world does not depend on horoscopes as much as it used to in the past. The number of such individuals is not that big, but there is a rising tendency supporting the point that horoscopes are not that important in prediction of life. It is an entertaining element, which might be helpful in thinking about the future. In addition, it does not give any guarantee that horoscopes reflect true facts, which will occur no matter what happens. The contemporary society with a significant number of the youth tends to believe a supernatural side of predictions. People start to perceive it as tips for further activity. In the light of the pop-culture course, horoscopes and their essence need to be paid special attention as long as they are reflecting the human nature of the contemporary stage of human development. It is an element, which is generated according to peculiarities of the nation. However, it is supposed to be equal for every individual born in the same period. Numerous magazines and newspapers contain different facts reflected in horoscopes, which are supposed to be the same and push people to the right decision. It is obvious that this topic requires special consideration as long as it starts to turn to the ridiculous and does not contain any concrete information about the nearest future. There are many people joking that they could easily write a hundred of different horoscopes for the same period. People choose what to believe in and what steps to take towards actions in the nearest future. Horoscopes, in turn, have started to reflect peculiarities of nations where astrologists are supposed to give predictions according to the stars. In addition, it has already become a ridiculous side of life as long as people start to consider astrologists as a profession, which needs special skills in order to read information based on the location of planets. In fact, thinking of horoscopes from the skeptical perspective puts many life essentials at doubt, which does not have any logical explanation. For example, horoscopes do not have any specific information, while people tend to believe that the chain of predictions has a direct connection to them. These are the reasons explaining importance of taking the selected topic into account and discussing it with peers during the popular culture class. Theories of Popular Culture In the prospect of popular culture, it is possible to consider three different theories, which have a significant meaning in astrology and horoscopes in general. The theory of mass society, the theory of culture industry, and the theory of progressive evolution formulate the essence of understanding the relation between popular culture and horoscopes. Firstly, the theory of mass society focuses on decision-making having a significant effect on centralization of all ideas. Horoscopes tend to be a reflection of generalizing all aspects of the nearest future, thus having a mass effect on the society and decisions it makes as soon as it receives information from outside sources. Secondly, the theory of culture industry has a relation to the consumer capitalism, through the lens of which it is possible to see the essence of horoscopes. Consumer capitalism requires taking into account manipulation of consumer demand, which generates further representation of the future in horoscopes. For example, it is possible to see the essence of consumerism in the decision-making process based on predictions. In addition, continuous adherence to information presented in horoscopes creates additional demand promoting further generation of astrological predictions. Finally, the theory of progressive evolution points out continuous changes and inclusion of every individual in the process of the generations’ development. Horoscopes, in this aspect, obtain the role of tips helping to change and implement these changes in life. American Values Americans are considered to be the most informal nation, which tends to adhere to casualty in everything, starting from peer communication and ending with workplace relations with a boss. There are many values penetrating lives of Americans, which outline the most important aspects of human nature. Horoscopes cross the line between different values and the current discussion helps to understand the role of horoscopes in the light of American core values penetrating lives of millions of people. First, it is important to mention that Americans are practical enough to consider only those aspects of life, which are truly significant. It means that Americans tend to value those things, which can help to achieve goals in the future. In this aspect, there is another core value reflecting the desire to build plans and aspire to success. Planning and practical aspects of routine life help to see the role and place of horoscopes helping to build any plan based on predictions (Mulligan, 2008). For example, almost every American considers horoscopes before deciding about a life-changing event (signing a contract, getting married, moving to another city, etc.). However, this phenomenon has an importance in the light of worries these individuals experience before taking a serious step, which will have an effect on the further course of their life. In this respect, there is another core value reflecting a desire of every American to be action-oriented. In fact, before taking any action, every American is willing to know what mistakes should be avoided in order to make plans come true. Probably, the strongest American core value, which has a relation to horoscopes, is a strong desire to change. Change takes into account changes both on personal and national levels. Horoscopes become mirrors for those who want to make a change and see what the future holds in order to prepare for life challenges and change the future in order to reach success. However, it does not put Americans into action in the present. This is a ridiculous point, which supports the desire to change the future without taking action in the present. Somehow, horoscopes have bec ome a point of interest like a mirror reflecting the future. Social Policy Debate: Three Groups of the Society Astrology along with horoscopes has become one the most significant parts of social thinking, which creates different opinions and thoughts regarding this phenomenon. It is possible to distinguish three groups of the society, which have different points of view regarding the discussed topic. On the one hand, the society has learned how to live with predictions without paying much attention to them (Wei, 2009). People continue to live reading horoscopes without taking them as a serious prediction with a life-changing nature. On the other hand, another group of people tends to believe in every fact reflected in horoscopes, which is the most important part of life helping in the decision-making process. These people cannot live without a daily dose of horoscopes and their reflection of facts based on the planet’s position. In addition, these people tend to take advice in the horoscope seriously. Paying attention to predictions helps these people to achieve their plans as long as they believe that life gives many tips through the lens of horoscopes (Webb, 2011). Finally, the third group stays indifferent and does not believe in any fact given in the horoscope. It does not mean that these people do not pay attention to the page in a magazine full of horoscopes. These people open the last page of the magazine in order to entertain themselves at the end of the day and see that there are no coincidences or anything mentioned in the horoscope that has taken place that day. There are always interactions between these three groups leading to debates and controversy. Some people tend to support the idea that horoscopes formulate a reflection of the nearest future without details. However, no specific information encourages others to support the idea that horoscopes are a waste of time, which is helpless in the achievement of any plan or goal. In fact, it is impossible to support one or another group as long as astrology is vague enough to think of the most appropriate answer to the question whether horoscopes reflect true facts or not. In general, the society continues to perceive this belief circulating about horoscopes, which can help to generate plans for the nearest future. In addition, people tend to adhere to the information given in the horoscope, thinking that it can change the course of events. Astrology has always played a significant part in shaping the world’s beliefs and cultural identities. It has always been amazing how people tend to believe in the diversity of things, which their minds create. Astrology is not the only element of human lives, which creates the diversity of peculiarities of human development. However, this is the part, which makes life full of mythical and fantastic ideas. The paper has reflected my opinion, which considers horoscopes along with their meanings as fiction or fairytales formulating a creative part of life. Historical facts, which are supposed to give a positive meaning to horoscopes, only support the point that there will always be individuals believing in horoscopes and their meanings. However, it is impossible neither to support nor oppose existence of horoscopes and truth of facts, which horoscopes offer. In fact, many generations will continue going through the essence of horoscopes during their lives. It means that astrology has given horoscopes as a gift, which can entertain the humanity and give it a chance to look into the nearest future. However, there is a strong point supporting the idea that reading horoscopes can become a programming of further events taking place in life. Many people believe that thoughts become material if an individual continues thinking about the same things for a long time. In general, it is possible to claim that horoscopes are a reflection of uncertainty, which can be created by any individual without looking at the stars. Finally, it is a matter of time proving the truth of facts reflected in horoscopes. In general, it is possible to claim that there are many coincidences, which can be considered as predictions. People should take care of the present instead of taking a look into the future willing to know what waits for them tomorrow.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Constant struggle between environmental laws and economic growth in Essay - 1

Constant struggle between environmental laws and economic growth in correlation with 'the american dream' - Essay Example While the truth is that the opportunity exists, that group still only represents 1% of all Americans. Thus, the power of the dream is such that the public will support policies that diminish services to the majority to protect the potential success that all feel that they may someday enjoy. Some of the way sin which this type of thinking is engaged in the cultural structures that support this type of thinking is through policies that fail to protect the environment because lawmakers and the public have bought into the myth that to over regulate industry is to create economic hardships that are too hard to navigate and will ultimately destroy industry. This type of thinking is based upon a fear-based campaign that is intended to threaten the ‘dream’, thus tying the hands of scientists and more enlightened politicians when they approach solutions for the real problems that have been created through hazards that are the result of industrial destructive forces that strip the environment of vital resources. However, suggesting that change will ruin the future of industry is tantamount to telling Ford not to invent the combustion engine because it would destroy the horse and buggy industry. Time and technologies change, and in growing any industry, including the environmental solutions industry, the American dream can find a way to exploit it for resources in jobs, economic support, and in creating a future for the planet. One of the most important resources is based upon a continued future which is only provided for through industries who are implementing sustainable practices. Through sociological and political theories, man has the ability to change the world. Social Ecology provides for a world where man and technology join to promote the perpetuation of the planetary eco-systems and the ways in which resources are sustained. With an attitude that leads

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Operations Management Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Operations Management Assignment - Essay Example The range of technologies used in the modern retail industries have been from softwares to hardwares. The new technologies require that they become fully integrated into the retail operations of the business for their benefits to be maximized. According to McGrane (2007, p. 50-53), some of the key technologies or technological areas within the range are as follows (McGrane 2007, p. 50-53; EPoS 2007; and Prater et al. 2005): Bar-coding/scanning technology/labelling. Bar-coding, scanning, and labelling technologies have been invented years ago but not all of the retail business operations are using them. Nevertheless, the technologies are expected to be available to business operators in the coming years and there are widespread expectations that the technologies will be improved further and will become in more popular use as we go through current decade (McGrane 2007, p. 52). â€Å"Scanners are getting smarter† and â€Å"self-scanning will continue to grow† (McGrane 2007 , p. 52). The new technologies include a touch screen display, barcode scanner, weighing scales, credit card reader, cash reader and deposit unit. Wireless technologies are even being developed for bar-coding and scanning, making possible for inventory and sales monitoring and sales transaction remotely from the goods that are the subject of a transaction. Epos software & hardware. EPoS systems or Electronic Point of Sale Systems provide a way of dealing with customers that is fast and efficient because they can do calculations or total, issue receipts, keep track of inventories, and monitor sales as the sales transaction is being completed (EPoS 2010). Further, the EPoS systems can also keep track of customer information thereby enhancing the seller’s capabilities to execute customer relation management (EPoS 2010). Moreover, the EPoS systems can also directly interface with the credit card system thereby accessing more information on customers and enhancing the ability of t he firm to conduct follow-up sales and strengthen its relationship with customers (EPoS 2010). Simultaneously, the EPoS system can also identify which products are not doing well in the market (EPoS 2010) thereby enhancing a business firm’s ability to make crucial business decisions on what products lines and brands to carry. EPoS systems can make transactions faster and they can be customized to a specific business environment (EPoS 2010). Changing prices, data, quantity and other variables are easy (EPoS 2010). EPoS systems can be operated through keyboards or PDAs or personal digital assistant (EPoS 2010). The systems were designed to be powerful and yet very simple for the business staff to learn and use (EPoS 2010). On the other hand, the EPoS system requires maintenance and backups (EPoS 2010). Data can be backed up off site using another party or service company (EPoS 2010). The backup system must cover â€Å"historical backups† in that one can go back to an old er backup if the most recent backup is corrupted (EPoS 2010). Periodic updates are necessary and businesses using the latest retail technologies may want to have in-house capabilities to do backups. This also implies that somebody in business must focus himself or herself in data security. Wireless hardwares,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Characteristics of Business Leadership Research Paper - 1

Characteristics of Business Leadership - Research Paper Example Indeed, in the fast transforming business dynamics, they provide businesses with inimitable competitive advantage and become intrinsic part of its success. Kouzes, and Posner claim that leaders are visionary and who can inspire others (1988). The Body Shop is scintillating example of such leadership initiative which has constantly set standard for businesses across globe. Ms Anita Roddick had founded the company in 1976 and had displayed excellent leadership traits. The paper would be discussing The Body Shop and Roddick’s leadership traits that had promoted high standard of ethics and quality within the organization. Business initiative The Body Shop, started in 1976 from home by Anita Roddick, was a passionate venture that was focused on the wider welfare of women. The Body Shop cosmetics were launched with a strong entrepreneurial instinct that natural ingredients would be most beneficial for taking care of body and remain beautiful. The first shop at Brighton, UK, was open ed with only 15 products. She received tremendous response that resulted in the opening of second shop within the next 10 months. Thereafter, the popularity of cosmetics made from natural products had unprecedented success. Within a span of 25 years and under her able leadership, it was transformed into multi million project with more than 1980 outlets across 50 nations serving more than 77 million customers and generating revenue of more than $200 million. After takeover by L’Real in 2006, it now has more than 2500 products in more than 60 markets globally. It produces a wide range of body care products from natural ingredients and caters to people from all strata of society (, 2012). The Body Shop is fundamentally based on the premise of social consciousness and belief that profits are not the major goals of business. The business must be proactive towards the needs of the community and environment (Porter & Kramer, 2006). All the products of Body Shop are ethic ally produced. It supports environment conservation. Natural ingredients within the products are procured from people and places who have adopted sustainable business practice. Most importantly, Roddick’s strong sense of community welfare had led her to create employment opportunities for people in under developed and developing countries like South East Asia, Africa, Brazil, Mexico etc. (Roddick, 1991). Indeed, its major suppliers of the raw products are from these countries who have evolved as a result of Roddick’s proactive support for sustainable business practices. Leadership style Anita Roddick’s leadership style was transformational and relied on motivating others towards a more conscientious and ethically delivered business goals. Burn (1978) emphasizes that transformational leadership encourages relationship building that is based on mutual respect and empowered decision making. Under such leaders, the followers are motivated to developed leadership tra its and use critical thinking for resolving conflicts. Most pertinently, the leaders also propose moral and ethical considerations that hugely benefit the business as well as the society at large. Transformational leaders promote participatory approach which facilitates shared goals and collective decision making processes. Roddick’s leadership traits have significantly contributed towards Body Shop’s success. She has not only been a successful and intuitive business person but also a social activist. She has relentlessly worked for the wider welfare of people and promoted sustainable development as integral part of business strategy. Evaluation of Roddick’s managerial leadership Roddick’s managerial leadership was highly intuitive and distinct in its personal inputs. She strongly believed in ethics and moral

Saturday, November 16, 2019

When Blood Isnt Thicker Than Water English Literature Essay

When Blood Isnt Thicker Than Water English Literature Essay In Barn Burning William Faulkner examines a young boys struggle against his father, Abner, who has a behavior problem. Abner keeps his family together by forcing them to lie for him while in trial and deal with his anger. Through the use of historical context, symbol, and character, Faulkner is able to demonstrate a theme that family loyalty is a vital part of life, however, sometimes being loyal to yourself ends with having to break loyalty to the ones you love. To understand more about Faulkners theme, one must begin with the historical context in which this story is written. The story takes place about ten years after the Civil War. Abner is portrayed to be a veteran, which may influence his wrongful actions. Being in a war could have had some affect on Abners mentality, which causes him to be hostile. Once a person leaves for war he or she never returns the same. Constance L. Shehan puts it like this: The after effects exhibited by many of these veterans appear to constitute a syndrome identified as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is defined as a delayed but persistent malaise characterized by nightmares, loss of control over behaviorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (55). Abner could be experiencing a little bit of this syndrome, which is causing him to act in such ways. Also, this story is most likely set in the southern part of America where the farming and tobacco industries were booming. This is important when thinking about the title of the story because many people owned barns in order to dry their tobacco and store farming equipment and animals. This is relevant because barns were an obvious treasure to those who owned them. It was considered not only a way of living, but something that kept a family living. Farming was important to the wealthy and to the poor. It cost a lot of money to build a barn and was very important to the owner, and Abner knew this, so this is what he went after in order to hurt someone. Secondly, the time period displays social discrimination. When Abner reaches the home of a family he will be renting farmland from, the black man at the door states: Wipe yo foots, white man, fo you come in here. Major aint home nohow. Abner replies with, Get out of my way, nigger and wipes his muddy feet on a rug (Faulker 191). In the 1930s blacks were still in the minority. Perhaps walking into a home full of chandeliers put Abner back into his place, a place that is no better than the minority, and caus ed him to become even more out of control. Many of Abners actions act as symbols in the disclosing of Faulkners theme, beginning with the most occurring, fire. Abner builds fires at night while the family is in the process of moving. These fires are described as a small fire, neat, niggard almost, shrewd fire; such fires were his fathers habit and custom always, even in freezing weather (Faulkner 189). The fires Abner would build while the family was moving would be small, which was out of the ordinary for him. Not only the reader begins to wonder why he would do this, but also Colonel Sartoris. Faulkner states that if he were older the boy might have remarked this and wondered why not a big one (189). After seeing his father start so many fires, which resulted in big disasters, Colonel Sartoris cannot understand why his father would want to build such a small fire. Later, it is revealed that the element of fire spoke to some deep mainspring of his fathers being, as the element of steel or of powder spoke to other menà ¢Ã¢â€ š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (189). This suggests that fire is a symbol of Abners control. He is able to control the size, place, and how long the fire burns, whereas, he is not able to control his own anger. A second symbol in the story involves all of the broken items in their wagon. Faulkner writes, the battered stove, the broken beds and chairs, the clock inlaid with mother-of-pearl, which would not run (188). All of the broken items together symbolize the brokenness of the family. Everyone is the family is trying to stay loyal to Abners deceit and as a result they become unaware of the fact that they can be happy as a family. More specifically, the broken clock could symbolize Abners control over the every member of the familys life. Neither are they able to move forward with their lives, nor are they able to remember happiness from their life before. With Abners actions, the family must try and make it through each day without having to be sent out of town or possibly visiting their father/husband in jail. Instead, the family is stuck trying to make the best of their controlled lives. Another symbol in the story is blood. This, however, is not an ordinary literary symbol. Blood represents family, which is obvious to the reader, but has a more revealing meaning when the term is linked to the Snopes family. In the beginning of the story, the reader experiences Colonel Sartoris agony as he sits before a judge, hungry, with the smell of food in the air. Despite his hunger, the smell of meat and cheese is over powered by the smell of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦old fierce pull of blood (186). This symbolizes the bond between Colonel Sartoris and his father. It is obvious that the boy feels as though the bond and loyalty of family is important because even though he is hungry and the reader can assume he has not eaten in several days, the only thing on this young boys mind is keeping his father safe. While other children would be sitting at a dinner table with their family, Colonel Sartoris (and the rest of his family) is stuck in a courthouse having to lie to get Abner out of trou ble, because at this time, the familys first priority is loyalty to their father. One reason for Colonel Sartoris oath of loyalty to his father may be a reaction to his fathers threatening words. Abner tells him, You got to learn to stick to your own blood or you aint going to have any blood to stick to you (189). Abner is threatening Colonel Sartoris by telling him if he is not devoted to his own blood, he will either be left behind with no one at all, or be the cause of his father to be taken away or even his death. The third and most revealing of the literary elements is character. It can be argued that Abner is the protagonist and the antagonist in this situation is undoubtedly Abners son, Colonel Sartoris. However, as the story starts, this is not obvious to the reader, or to his Abner. Faulkner writes, He aims for me to lie, he thought, again with that frantic grief and despair. And I will have to do hit (187). Colonel Sartoris obviously knows lying is the wrong thing to do, but is pressured into it by his fathers comments and swats. When he seems as though he wants to tell the truth, his father will hit him. With Colonel Sartoris being loyal to his father, it is hard to tell that he is actually against what is happening. But when Colonel Sartoris matures, he realizes what his father is doing is wrong and knows he needs to help himself, along with the families his father is tormenting, and finally decides to display his emotions. When he does, the reader and Abner get a glimpse of Colonel Sa rtoris as the antagonist. Faulkner states, Hold him, the father said. The aunt made a startled movement. Not you, the father said. Lennie. Take hold of him. I want to see you do it. His mother took him by the wrist. Youll hold him better than that. If he gets loose dont you know what he is going to do? He will go up yonder. He jerked his head toward the road. Maybe Id better tie him (196). It is obvious that Abner has now realized that Colonel Sartoris has decided that his actions are unacceptable and is planning on revealing his actions to the judge, families he has betrayed, and families he will betray. Another arguable point when it comes to characterization is that the roles of Abner and his son, Colonel Sartoris, can be switched. In this case, Abner is the antagonist because he is keeping his family from living a normal life and, as mentioned before, from moving on with time. Abner moves his family from place to place, and does not carry with him a good reputation, which reflects on the whole family. Colonel Sartoris, as the protagonist, has a goal of living a better life and looking forward to a brighter future. His father, nonetheless, interrupts his thinking. Faulkner states, They walked beside a fence massed with honeysuckle and Cherokee roses and came to a fate swinging open between two brick pillars, and now, beyond a sweep of drive he saw the house for the first time and at that instant he forgot his father and the terror and despair both, and even when he remembered his father again (who had not stopped) the terror and despair did not return. Because, for all the twelve movings, they had sojourned until now in a poor country, a land of small farms and fields and houses, and he had never seen a house like this before (190). Colonel then begins thinking this family will be safe from his father (190). Colonel Sartoris could perhaps be wishing that he and his family was safe from his own father. At this point, the reader can conclude that Colonel Sartoris is a round character who evolves from feeling obligated to keep a promise to his father to caring more about himself and his future. In the end, Colonel Sartoris finally runs away and does not look back. In conclusion, Faulkner is able to express many different aspects of family throughout the story Barn Burning. He stresses the significance if sticking together through hard times and the importance of what it actually means to be a family. However, through the use of these three important literary elements, Faulkner is able to illustrate the line between loyalty to a wrongful family member and loyalty to oneself.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

religion Essay -- essays research papers

My Religious Odyssey You can take the girl out of Catholic School†¦ Most people grow up with some type of belief system. Judaism, Christianity, Islam and even Agnosticism are some examples. It wasn’t until I had a child that I realized that religion was just man’s way of explaining God. Even as a kid, however, I always believed in a higher being. Not just because of my very heavy-handed Catholic upbringing. I questioned many things about my religion. Since I loved science, I was confused about how the â€Å"Big Bang† and Adam and Eve coexisted, but I always knew that God existed. I had no scientific irrefutable evidence – I just had faith. You know how they say everything you ever really need to know you learned by first grade? Well it wasn’t until I had both my faith and my life tested, that I fully came to realize that one’s spiritual journey in life doesn’t have so much to do with what religion one surrounds herself with, as much as the faith that one has in God. Faith is what defines a personâ€⠄¢s spirituality as opposed to specific religions. I was raised in a Catholic upbringing. I grew up in Chicago, which has the second largest archdiocese in the U.S. I was baptized as an infant at St. Sabina’s and attended high school at Mother McAuley Liberal Arts, run by the Sisters of Mercy nuns. Catholicism is a religion steeped in ritual and tradition and so I vividly remember my first holy communion in the first or second grade, and my Confirmation, when in the seventh grade I reaffirmed my decision to be both a Catholic and a Christian. I also remember the many hours of study, every year, in religion classes that were required in each grade level. I had cousins who weren’t Catholic who spoke of religion classes taking place only in Sunday school. I did not have Sunday school. I had Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday school. Every class attended mass at least one other day during the week, in addition to Sunday. I remember learning how to pray the rosary beads and knowing certain holy days and saints, important to the Catholic religion. We also participated in confession, where we told a priest about our sins and transgressions, and he gave us a penance to absolve us from guilt. If one is looking for a pomp and circumstance religion, then Catholicism is the one for you. Since about eighty-five percent of the school also attended the church, th... ...c ministry featured both the gospel music I had come to love at Lincoln Heights in addition to the hymns I grew up with at St. Margaret. The pastor believed that he was a sinner just like me and spoke of the church in terms of God’s people, versus a building. Most importantly, I felt a strong connection between myself and God and the other worshippers. They seemed to sense that I needed assistance in my spiritual odyssey, and reached out to me. Most of the congregation had attended Carmel Presbyterian for generations and were looking for new people to help rejuvenate the church. They openly embraced my family and we happily reciprocated. I had finally found a church home. Throughout my religious odyssey, from Catholicism to Baptist beliefs to Presbyterian creed, faith in God remained the one consistent sustaining value in my life. Faith helped me determine that religion by itself is not the most important qualifier in a person’s spiritual odyssey. Faith also helped me to develop a closer relationship with God and is what helped fortify my spiritual growth throughout difficult life struggles. Faith in God versus faith in religion is what most matters on life’s spiritual journey.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Swot Analysis Ebay Asia

eBay: Expanding into Asia John Kozloski BUSN412 Business Policy June 16, 2011 Case Analysis eBay: Expanding into Asia Company: eBay: Expanding into Asia Industry: Online Auction Industry Company Website: (www. ebay. com) COMPANY BACKGROUND: The founder of the online auction site â€Å"eBay† is a computer programmer Pierre Omidyar in San Jose, California, established on September 3, 1995. The primary function of eBay is online auctions and uses to reach a wide range of individuals all over the world.The website took off quit quickly so Omidyar hired Jeffery Skolls as president to handle the day to day operations. The former president of eBay’s Marketplaces, John Donahoe is the current president and CEO. Donahoe joined the company in 2005 and managed to double the profits and revenues for his unit. The company is posting a net income of $1. 78 billion and revenue of $8. 54 billion for 2008, which is up from the posting of 2007 that are a net income of $348 million and rev enue of $7. 6 billion (Dess, 2010). Since its beginning in 1995, eBay has enjoyed strong revenue growth and was a dominate player in the online auction industry (Dess, 2010). † SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths: There are three main strengths to how eBay has been successful: products, sense of community, and aggressive expansion. â€Å"eBay had an array of product categories and trading platforms that offered a range of pricing formats, such as fixed pricing (Dess, 2010). A sense of community, a trust between buyers and sellers is the primary means to all of eBay sites and platforms.Third is its ability to aggressively expand â€Å"to compete effectively and create a global trading platform (Dess, 2010). Weaknesses: One of eBay’s major weaknesses is its inability to expand and compete in certain international markets (Dess, 2010). One example of this is their ability to expand into the Asian market place; eBay has yet to understand the Asian population and also has I failure t o compete with firms that are already there. Opportunities: eBay has plenty of opportunities; the biggest being their ability to purchase firms that enhanced the overall appeal of eBay.Like PayPal, Rent. com, and Skype are just a few which brought opportunities to them. Threats: The biggest threat to eBay is its competition. Some of their biggest competitors are Amazon and Yahoo. Also eBay’s has other threats aboard especial in Asia where they are currently trying to expand with little success. This is due to their primary competition in Asia is well established. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES MODEL: Threats of New Entrants: As pointed out in Chapter 2, technology will always have a huge impact this industry.Since its establishment in 1995 technology has changed, it has broadened and expanded creating the everlasting threats of new entrants. Bargaining Power of Buyer: The buyer power is high when there is a high concentration of buyers relative to suppliers (Dess, 2010). This co uld go either way for ebay. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers is greater when the threats may raise prices or reduce the quality of purchased goods and services (Dess, p. 59). This is hard to say since the organization is solely based as an auctioneer website.Substitute Products/ Services: As other firms try to develop substitutes, it will be hard for eBay to uphold their aggressive advantage. Intense Rivalry: As stated in the chart in our text book page 63, rivalry is intense when competition is high and growth rate of the industry is slow. STAGETY: eBay has some basic strategies that it follows to make it successful throughout the industry. First it has no time limitations; a bid can be placed at any time. Second there is no geographical restriction; sellers and buyers can partake from anywhere.Last they have a large network economy; having one of the largest number of bidders and sellers (Dess, 2010). ISSUES AND CHANLLENGES FACING THIS COMPANY: A co mpetitive advantage eBay has is the fact they been around for some time and are well established. One of the major challenge that eBay is facing is their inability to be successful in the Asian market place. It has had numerous attempts to penetrate this market and failing every time. They also have some competition from firms like Amazon and Yahoo. As well as Asian based markets places, GMarket and Taobao.COURSE OF ACTION RECOMMENDED: The problem that eBay will always have is that technology is never ending. They will continue to see the market share develop and change. Here is some course of actions I would take to continue to be successful: 1. Creating options and targeting distinct market niches would enable eBay to distinguish itself from competitors (Dess, 2010). 2. I would start to develop a department that would specialize in Asian affairs. 3. I would also advice the purchasing of one of the Asian firms. OPINION: I found this case study interesting and easy to grasp.I am a b ig supporter of eBay and use it daily. I believe they have found their niche here in the states. However, I did find it interesting how they are struggling in the Asian markets. Developing the Porters Five Forces Model and looking at ways to develop strategies to gain momentum to be successful. I can see where companies of a similar firm would be easy to start and constantly be a thorn in their side. References Dess, G. , Lumpkin, G. , & Eisner, A. (2010). Strategic Management (5th ed. ) New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Bilingualism Colin Baker's definition of bilingualism is complex and is in many forms according to his book, "Term bilingualism" is typically used to describe the two languages of an individual when the focus changes to two languages in society the term often used Diglossia. In practice a language community is unlikely to use both languages for the same purpose.A language community is more likely to use one language in certain situation and for certain functions the other language in different circumstances and for different functions. For example a language community may use a minority language in the home, for religious purpose and in social activity but use the majority language at work in education and then experiencing the mass media.In order understand current development in second language learning I will brief discuss on how the second language learning was believed to be have learnt during the 1950s 1960s and the 1980s.2nd-language-learningFirstly in the early 1950s and early 1960s, theo rising about the second language was very was attachment to practice business language teaching. the idea that language teaching methods had to be justified in terms of an underlying learning theory was well established since the pedagogic reform movements of the late nineteenth century according to Howatt 1988. According to Hawatt he Sums the progressive 1950s language pedagogy drew on a version of strurctrculim development by Freis and his Michigan colleagues in the 1940s. Howatt summarise this approach as followers,The conviction that language system consists of a finite set of 'patterns' or 'structures' which acted as models... for the production of an infinite number of similarly constructed sentences.The belief that repetition and practice resulted in the formation of accurate and fluent foreign language habits.A methodology which set out to teach 'the basic' before encouraging learners to communicate...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction

Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction The American history is defined by different factors, which may include slavery, the civil war, and the reconstruction among others. Eric Foner, in his book ‘Slavery, The Civil War Reconstruction’ presents a clear discussion of how these factors have influenced America over time. Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social movements have also contributed in inspiring the American history in the past 20 years by shuttering the â€Å"consensus† vision that dominated historical writing. Civil rights movement is suggested to be at the center of social change in post World War II America. In civil war era, emancipation and slavery were some of the central issues. In addition to this, the blacks shaped the era’s history by being active agents. Slavery According to the author, historians suggest that early U.S. slavery was situa ted in a transatlantic system. This was due to the link that United States had with Africa and the Caribbean. Despite the inauguration of the first president, a vigorous slave trade continued for twenty years. However, the languages and the cultural forms of the African slaves remained vibrant and sustained by infusion of the new people arriving in the United States. In addition, Intellectual Privacy was sustained by the ability of the slaves to speak languages the owners did not understand; while tribal identities were also sustained by speaking these different languages (Foner, 45) The legal basics of slavery were lost in the 1780s in the North due to the phrase â€Å"all men are born free and equal† which was interpreted by a Massachusetts court as simply outlawing slavery (Foner 43) Civil War John Shy describes civil war as â€Å"a social process of political education† (Foner 48). According to the author, the war began as a mass resistance of the crowd but later shifted to armed forces. Market revolution, which was crucial to the American lives contributed to new components of consciousness, politics and social life, which in turn brought about Civil War. The author also notes that in Lincoln’s second inaugural address, he insinuated that slavery was the cause of the civil war, although some historians differ with this (Foner, 91)Advertising Looking for report on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reconstruction A large number of freed black men learn to read and write in the army before becoming articulate political leaders during the Reconstruction era (Foner, 93). Former slaves were thrust into a no-man’s land which was between freedom and slavery by the end of reconstruction. This in turn was considered a mockery of the idea of equal citizenship (Foner, 102). Moreover, majority of the blacks in the reconstruction period supported the Republican Party , which is said to have won their royalty during that period (Foner, 111) Conclusion The three factors that have been discussed above were some of the main pillars that shaped the American history. Social change in the American history was brought about due to the efforts of civil rights movements. The Republicans were considered to be antislavery thus contributing to their liking by the black community. Moreover, the northern society of America was opposed to slavery in contradiction to their southern counterparts that still held on to slavery. Foner, Eric. Slavery, the Civil War Reconstruction. Philadelphia: TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1997.

Monday, November 4, 2019

How sustainable are England Eco-towns from a planning perspective Essay

How sustainable are England Eco-towns from a planning perspective. Support your answers with appropriate examples - Essay Example The original goal was to create 50 such eco-towns in the hope of reducing carbon emissions in the country. This paper tries to assess the sustainability of eco-town proposals. It also hopes to discuss some of the key issues that led to the government’s abandonment of the plan, as well as how such a move has affected planning in the United Kingdom. Like the post war generation, we now need to set out a clear and radical programme to increase housing and to protect the environment as well†¦.As housing accounts for 27 per cent of carbon emissions, we need to substantially cut emissions from new homes and work towards zero carbon housing and development. (Department for Communities and Local Government 2007: 3) Through eco-towns, the UK can start anew, and this time, focus on the highest environmental standards while at the same time taking advantage of a site’s economic potential. This move, the government believes, would bring about a new form of development and ensure sustainable growth. To ensure participation from the communities and the local government, the DCLG enjoined them to submit their proposals for eco-towns. The Ecotowns Prospectus outline the various criteria by which the submissions were judged. To considered an eco-town, proposals must meet five essential requirements: (1) They must be new settlements, separate and distinct from the existing towns but well linked to them. They have to provide at least 5,000 new homes; (2) Each plan must minimize carbon emission and meet exemplar performance in at least one area of environmental sustainability; (3) Proposals must provide for a wide range of social services and facilities within easy reach; (4) 30 to 40% of the homes must be affordable, with emphasis on larger family homes; (5) Plans must set out a management body which will help develop the town and provide assistance to people and businesses wishing to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Working in groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Working in groups - Essay Example Successful group work requires tolerance, inclusivity and assertiveness to achieve the desired goal. Group communication is known as the interaction of three or more interdependent people who work towards a certain goal. Successful groups learn how to balance the contradictory and competing forces that operate in that group. The entire group should be able to work should know their roles and be able to establish professional rapport with other members of the group (Ephross 56). The merit of working in a group is the group members learn a great deal from each other thereby performing better than individual working alone. The demerit is conflicts may be difficult to solve. When I was in high school, I had difficulties in understanding Chemistry but good in Mathematics. My friends and I decided to form a study group. In this group I found out that there were people who were good in Chemistry but poor in Mathematics. We helped each other and by the time the final exam reached, we were well prepared and the entire group member excelled. Steinberg’s book, The mutual-aid approach to working with groups offer imperative information on how effective a group can be. The key message that is passed across is forming a group that works for you and establishing clear goals. The group member should know each other so as to avoid misunderstandings (Steinberg 78). In conclusion, group work requires tolerance, inclusivity and assertiveness to achieve the desired goal. For any group to work effectively, all members should understand their roles within the group. Each member should actively contribute towards the set goals. The group members should be able to solve any issue that comes up amicable. To be able to do this, there should be effective communication amongst all group members. Without communication there is nothing constructive that that can take place in a